Nothin' Sweeter

There's nothing sweeter than a Georgia Peach...they say.

For those of you who know me out there, every summer I hit the fruit stands to gather bushels of peaches almost every week during their peak season.  But before they are devoured by my family or made into peach cobbler, I photograph this luscious fruit and capture forever their delicate texture, vibrant colour, and the hint of the sweetness that lies beneath their fuzzy skin.

It's a Cezanne moment for me...if you know what I mean.

They are some of our favorite creations from Mother Nature's summer garden, and each and every bite tastes deliciously scrumptious!  In fact, the other morning I asked my son if he had sprinkled powdered sugar on the sliced peaches I gave him for breakfast because they tasted like candy.  {He said no.  And that really was the truth.}

One of my other Southern summer passions is my Shasta Daisy garden.

These babies grew almost as tall as me this year and we just planted them in the Spring of 2013 when they were tiny specimens I purchased from the local Master Gardeners' Club.  They did not look pretty then, but I knew with the help of several green thumbs that we have in our family, they would thrive.  They have.

Love, love having fresh blooms to cut from my garden and bring indoors.

Happy flowers.  Nothin' sweeter.

Happy week to you all.  See you soon.

Ciao amici,

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Sharing with some of these blog friends this week and Tuesday Garden Party.