Finding files of old photos is always an adventure down memory lane for me.
I am sure many of us do this - we download photographs from our cameras onto our computers and often times say to ourselves, "we'll edit them later."
I found this collection of photos stashed in a file labeled, "Savannah Details." I made these photographs four years ago and until last week, really had not given them a second thought. {And I noticed that I have many more files to filter through, but that is for another rainy day.}
The image of this gorgeous vintage French crystal chandelier against the softly distressed plaster wall stirred a thought in me.
It's not always about the light...
...or what type of equipment
and/or other programs you choose to utilize to make your photographs.
It's about loving what you do.
I love making beautiful photographs.
I always have.
{I will be offering these in my Etsy boutique very soon, along with some other photographs of vintage relics filed away in my photo archives that stir up memories.}
Love what you do today and as always, thank you for your visit.
Ciao amici,