Three Years ~ And Three Gifts to Give Away

Every birthday girl should have a crown to wear, don't you think?  {Even if the "girl" is virtual, such as this blog celebrating it's third "blogoversary."}
But it may be more important to have something decadent to devour...especially for the girl who started this thing in the first place, three years ago.  {That would be me.}

One pound of Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate {antioxidants}, one half of a pound of sweet cream butter {natural oils for your skin and hair...really}, seven eggs {high compact protein}, some sugar and lots of patience...

Break it, melt it, whip it, and bake it...then chill it for a day {more patience}...

In the meantime, set a pretty spot and pluck some tiny blooms from the garden

Finally retrieve the chocolate pie from the "ice box" and take a moment to look at this masterpiece before taking a knife to it. 

Now, I am not a kitchen girl...the entire process of going to the grocery store, thinking about what to buy and prepare for the weekly meals, trying to stay creative and healthy {I could go on and on}, exhausts me...however, I do love to create something yummy once in a while {especially for a special occasion} and I do have a few delicious recipes that I pull out when so inspired.  This week I was so inspired and tried this recipe for the first time.

It helped that I was "encouraged" by the little birthday boy in the house to "try it Momma!" 

It turned out perfectly perfect and I even snuck a tasty piece {to celebrate my "blogoversary" of course} before the real birthday celebration began later in the evening.

A cake this decadent deserves a pretty spot to be presented and served...even if it is just for me.

So with a petite bouquet of miniature white rose buds in a hot pink cut glass votive, a kitchy silver candelabra with pink organza bows and glass beaded berries, a delicate dessert plate with a hand painted hot air balloon {got to have balloons at a party!}, and my sparkly crown I served up a tiny piece of this concoction.  {After all I did have to taste it before serving it to my family, to make sure it was just right.}

Chocolate Nemesis.  That's the name of this cake.  I wonder why.


Now on to more important matters that concern you...
To show my L O V E and appreciation to my long time loyal readers and new blog friends too...this set of THREE hand made tags will go to someone special.
The windows around the blogging world and your creative worlds have been opened up to me {so to speak} since I began writing my blog three years ago, and these THREE original photograph postcards will go to another someone somewhere around the world.
I have been fortunate to have had my collection of Natural Home Goods featured in several of the Stampington publications, so I am giving away THREE hand made natural canvas millinery flower and mother of pearl magnet clips to a third lucky someone.
Meanwhile, I must extend my gratitude to Beth Livesay the stylish and talented editor of Somerset HOME for for featuring my hand made tea towel collection in this year's annual edition of her book.  If the cover alone does not jump out at you from the news stands, the contents will definitely pull you in.
And, of course, Christen Olivarez gets a big hug from me too for featuring my embellished clip boards in the 2011 summer issue of Somerset Life.
This magazine is filled to the brim with beautiful ideas and creations for your Life.

Do you want an opportunity to win some of these goodies?  Let me know you were here and leave a comment.  I will select the three winners by random drawing and let you know on Monday, August 22nd.  Extended through to Friday, August 26th!

Thanks for your visit as always.

Ciao amici,

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Linking up with the Pink Saturday blog party today.