Made for Women

This month I was asked to review Stampington & Company’s newest magazine straight from the creator of Where Women Create herself, the vivacious and dynamic Jo Packham.  After I received my copy of Where Women Create BUSINESS to review, I poured through it, recognizing several of the women featured in this premier issue.  {In fact, I am proud to say that I have met and done business with a couple of these smart and successful women many years ago, when we all were in the beginning stages of our creative careers.}

This is not a fluff magazine by an means and the cover proves that ~ its graphics reminiscent of the covers of Forbes or Business Week, but made for a woman {as they say}.  It is all BUSINESS and as the by line on the cover states, dedicated to those of us with “a passion for success.”

The articles and features range from the arts to food, retail to restaurants, and so much more ~ all women owned businesses ~ along with advice from the pros on subjects as accounting, public relations, media, and legal matters to mention a few.  

The timing of this is serendipitous as I launched my business web site earlier this month.  

{I'd love it if you would visit when you have a moment or two ~}

Where Women Create BUSINESS provides a sort of validation for those of us women in the creative arts and successful {to whatever degree that is to each of us} in business.  It’s nice to have it available to us.  Thank you Jo Packham and Stampington & Company.

Oh, and one of you lucky readers may win a hot off the presses copy of this invaluable journal if you leave a comment.  I’ll be drawing the name of the winner on Friday, March 1st.  Good luck!

Ciao amici,