...benvenuto and welcome to my studio

Thank you for waiting. Step right on in!

It was about a year ago when a friend of mine introduced me to Etsy and suggested that I sell my photography and art in my own shop on Etsy. She also told me about Flickr and what a fabulous venue it was for promoting ones work. I was skeptical to say the least ~ there are millions of beautiful hand made works for sale on Etsy and millions of lovely photographs on Flickr. How would I ever be noticed?

However, after about a year of not being involved in any gutsy project ~ just a few small interior design projects ~ I thought I might consider her suggestion. For a couple of years after my baby was born, I had been doing quite a bit of interior design and architectural work ~ restaurants, medical offices, retail spaces ~ which kept me away from home quite a bit. I was ready to work in my home office/studio again and spend more time with my little boy. I was craving the creative challenge I got from being involved in something in the art and design field. The timing was good for this.

I poked around Etsy, did some research, worked on a logo, shop name, etc. and took the plunge earlier this year. The inspiration for the name of my shop, “
Italian Girl in Georgia,” came from one of my favorite photographs, “American Girl in Italy” made in 1951 by Ruth Orkin. That, and the fact that I am half Italian. My maternal grandparents immigrated to the United States and when my Grandfather arrived at Ellis Island, his name was changed so that it would be more “American.”

American Girl in Italy by Ruth Orkin, circa 1951

It has been a delightful experience working on Etsy. The people I have met through my work being featured in their treasuries, our e-mail exchanges, and the commerce of it all, have been a joy to work with in every way. I look forward to our relationships continuing for a long time.

Then I tentatively took a look at
I saw some gorgeous photostreams and noticed that many were connected to Etsy, as well. It sounds like a cliché I know, but it has been a great way to not only promote new work, but also interact with many talented designers, artists, and photographers.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you will come back often. Enjoy!