Happy L O V E Day!
My little boy the other day asked me if I was going to decorate for Valentine's Day. I have been so busy with my interior design work that I almost just let it slip by.
{My favorite handmade Valentine box with vintage millinery I made a few years ago and a Katie Daisy card that I "love" perched on an Italian white porcelain cake stand in the glow of the afternoon sunshine.}
But then, if I did that, our "love shack" just would not be the same this year.
So, when I was left alone for a bit a couple of days ago, cupid came flying in from cloud nine and landed in our home to help me celebrate this season of LOVE.
He seems quite comfy here, too - watching all that I do.
{Look at those precious buns!}
I found a sunny spot for this fun tulle heart wreath I made while with a group of special friends during our annual Valentine's Day brunch the other day.
{Thank you Sherry for such a lovely day!}
And...this - a special heart from my heart.
{My little guy doodled this for me.}
{My little guy doodled this for me.}
This work of the heART makes our Valentine's Day complete.
Happy Valentine's Day Friends.
Love the one you are with today and always.
We never know what tomorrow may bring.
Ciao amici,