A Real Life Fairy Tale

Under a canopy of grapevine chandeliers, white roses, lace, twinkle lights, and crystals...
embraced by Mother Nature's awesome autumn beauty in the mountains of North Carolina...
the story began.
 This white swan was waiting for me as I entered a real life fairy tale.
This artful adventure was art itself...
and not a single detail was left out of the story.
{Jennifer is adjusting the light to illuminate this beautiful hand painted canvas mural made by Natasha Burns.}
The art projects presented to us were as lovely in their packaging as they were completed.  {I will show you my projects later on...they are still a work in progress and not quite finished.}
This rustic stone fireplace and hearth adorned with vintage crocheted doilies and twinkle lights was one of my favorite design touches.
And if we needed some fresh air ~ there was none fresher than this mountain air!
The glow of the afternoon light and the cool breeze was heaven.

There is so much more I can tell you about this adventure, but all of us who attended have our unique stories.  I encourage you to visit a few blogs that show many of the details I have not shared.  First, check out Jenn's blog, Sweet Eye Candy Creations ~ she's got the cream of the crop of photos and her first hand story.  Another one that I so enjoyed reading {and I especially enjoyed her while in Asheville} was Cindy's, Lilly's Lace.  She made me laugh when we were together and her humor comes through her writing so effortlessly! 

Now I am off to enjoy a pre-Halloween weekend with my family ~ working in the garden, creating an "old man" costume for my little man, and decorating with some silvery blue pumpkins.  My kind of fun.

As always, thank you for your visit.

Ciao amici,

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Leave a comment here for your last chance to enter my mingle give away.  Winner will be announced on November 1st.