It's coming on Christmas...

...and the winter chill is in this Southern air, although just a few days ago the temperatures were in the high 70's and it felt like Spring. It's been cold, rainy, and misty ~ perfect weather for the season.

I have intentionally taken a break from writing and posting for the last two weeks ~ I am in a bit of an Etsy slump and thought it might be a good idea to step back from this computer for a little while and take some time away from it all.

I'm not sure if two weeks is enough time "away from it all" but it did give me some time to do what we are all doing these weeks and days before Christmas ~ fussing about our homes making them cozy and pretty for the holidays; creating hand made gifts for our friends and family; stringing lights and hanging stockings; catching up with old friends; and most of all for me trying to really enjoy all of this with my little boy so he will have some sweet memories of Christmas to tell his children.

While my son and I practice the Christmas carols for the recital he will be doing at school this week, I told him that his grandpa {my Dad} used to go around the house with his "big voice" and sing Christmas songs to us along with Andy Williams on the LP in the background. {I cannot sing worth anything, but I do when no one is listening or it's just me and the little guy ~ he thinks that I am good.} Then I am told by his teacher last week that if he is going to be a "wise man" he cannot be cutting up on stage...a wise cracking wise man ~ that's my boy. At least he will know the songs.

I'll be sharing my Christmas home with you within the next few days and weeks and hope that all of you are having a blessed season.

Buon Natale,