I mentioned earlier this month that I had been working on a few projects. Today I want to give you a preview of and un-veil my new Zazzle shop.
There are so many beautiful and funky items available by artists we all may recognize through Etsy, Flickr, and our art blogs. I thought it would be fitting for me to become a part of this mercantile of artists and designers.
That, and the fact that the Zazzle team makes it so much fun!
I first became acquainted with Zazzle last fall shortly after I began this blog and added their link to my favorites list. Occasionally I would check it out and thought about creating some new merchandise using my art and photography and starting a Zazzle store. Recently I got busy working with my designs and some of their products and now have a collection that I hope will Zazzle your mind!
I have licensed my designs and photography on work in the past ~ everything from table linens to shelf paper, from ceramic dinnerware collections to floor mats, stationery products, posters, gifts, and more.
This time however, I have the “creative license” to produce whatever product I wish. How much fun is that? I have never designed Ked's canvas shoes before...
...or United States postage stamps
...or baby clothing.

Other categories of products I am offering will include:
Home & Office
Magnets ~ Mouse pads ~ Fun Stuff
Flower Shoes ~ Garden Totes ~ Artist's Aprons
Little Angels
Clothing ~ Totes ~ Shoes
The Handwritten Word
Postcards ~ Note Cards ~ Postage
All of my designs and photographs may be available on “Zazzilions” of products. If you don’t see something in my new shop that you want, just contact me and I can create something special and personalized just for you!
As always photographs, original paintings and illustrations, and prints that you see here or on Flickr are available in my Etsy shop or directly through me.
As always photographs, original paintings and illustrations, and prints that you see here or on Flickr are available in my Etsy shop or directly through me.
I will continue to add to the collection and hope that you take a moment and do some window shopping. If you have time, let me know you stopped by and leave a comment.
Italian Girl in Georgia is Zazzling
Ciao amici,