Love and Embraces

A hug, a kiss, a caress, a touch, an adoring look ~ all of these are embraces. Life is full of these tender moments...with your children, family, spouse, friends, pets, and even sometimes strangers.

I was told once, while I was living in Italy far away from my home and family, that in order to be happy you must have at least eight hugs a day. I think a wise and old Italian told me this. I believe it, strive for it, and find that when I do get my daily allowance of hugs, I am indeed happier. It may not really be true, but it's a nice thing to try, and it definitely feels good.

And a little music to smooch to...

Cherub with Flute

Cherub with Harmonica

With the symbolism of Valentine's Day being above all, love, I have added these cherubs and angels to my collection of photography in my Etsy Shop. They have already been flying into some very pretty treasuries thanks to some talented curators from the Fabulous Artistic Moms of Etsy and the Cottage Style Street Team. Check out the work from those creative Etsians when you have some time ~ it's lovely.

A big hug.

~ ~ ~

Ciao amici,
